May 20, 2010

That Moron Bush Dept. -- VII.

This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that opens markets that created it and share its benefits more equitably.
~ Barack Hussein Obama.[1]

Correct version per Glenn Beck (although with several errors of his own):
We must build on the wealth that open markets have created and share its benefits more equitably.[2]
Mr. Obama reads his lines from the teleprompter without comprehension. He’s even unaware that he flubbed his lines and that the thought that he expressed with all his “eloquence” is gibberish.

The president probably really wanted to say:
We must increase the wealth derived from free markets and then steal some of it from the people who generate the wealth and give it to other people (after a government processing fee).
The president’s phrase “open markets” is odd. The more common phrase is “free markets.” I think of open markets as being markets in which all comers can participate without tariffs or other restrictions that operate against only some. Free markets are markets in which all who do have access thereto can do business substantially free of government regulation.

Reading a presidential motive vastly to increase government control over every part of the nation into all that he does, as I do, I surmise that the choice of “open” market is significant. It is yet another subtle indication of Obama’s aversion to private activity free of government control.

Our president has an ear finely tuned by unimaginable Harvard Law intellectual ordeals to distinguish the squeak of a Hawaiian mouse from a Kenyan one. If he doesn’t speak of free markets, he surely must mean something other than free markets. Thus, he doesn’t have to address the “F” word directly. Leave it out often enough and pretty soon no one knows it’s gone.

Hmm. Out of curiosity I’m going to start looking for mention of the “F” word in the president’s speeches. He often says he’s “proud” of America. Let’s see if he drops a hint now and then why exactly.

Am I all wet on this, just parsing solid Anglo-Saxon commas into Renaissance Sanskrit virgules?

Or have I hit upon Mr. Obama’s political Kryptonite?

[1] Glenn Beck Program,, 5/19/10.
[2] "Glenn rips Obama's speech." The Glenn Beck Program, 7/25/08.


Anonymous said...

The difference between "open" and "free" is that he's trying to climatize you for "open" boarders, in which the US surrender her soveriegnty to the world - much as "open"ing her markets has improved everyone else looting us and taking advantage of our generosity also at our expense and the probably profit of the politicians milking the stupid cow. "free" - now that's a whole different ball game... "free" is what we're not going to be much longer.

Col. B. Bunny said...

I hadn't considered that possibility.

Just as "racist" is the only way to characterize how bad people in Arizona act so "open" is the way to characterize how good people act on the border issue. Open must be a nice way of saying "defenseless."

The semantics mean a lot with leftists (as we learned from Clinton). Agreed on your premonitions re our future freedom.