September 28, 2013

Pearls of expression – XXXVI.

ObamaCare is something new in American life: the creation of a massive bureaucracy charged with downsizing you — to a world of fewer doctors, higher premiums, lousier care, more debt, fewer jobs, smaller houses, smaller cars, smaller, fewer, less; a world where worse is the new normal.
"Are Western Nations 'Rich Enough To Be Stupid?' ." By Mark Steyn, Investor's Business Daily, 9/28/13.

September 15, 2013


The national political leadership of the United States is all but devoid of people who can even perceive the cataclysm that lies ahead of us, much less devise any way to avoid it. The Democrats are now in thrall to trans-national Socialism. The Republicans, with very few exceptions, have hitched their wagon to the same star, preferring to play permanent second fiddle as the “Democrat Lite” party rather than offer any meaningful ideological alternative.[1]
But these leaders who are oblivious to the cataclysm hold themselves out as stellar patriots.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn warned us, "Live not by lies." But that's all we do tolerate. Islamic massacre on an Army base is "workplace violence." Suicidal multiculturalism is "our strength." Homicidal, savage, primitive Islam is imported as a wondrous, precious addition to our bastardized society. The traitors yell about a "propositional" nation where not one minority, not one Muslim, not one uninvited third-world invader can name three of the propositions that bind us together as tightly as Obama's lips are Superglued to King Abracadabra's ass.

Vote fraud is testament to the wonders of the universal franchise. Rampant subsidized bastardy is the fruit of wise social policy. Fiscal profligacy is healthy investment. Sodomy is fun. And printing money is the path to economic revival.

Only a few brave leaders see the damage that the radical, treasonous left has done over the last 80 years. The rest bray about amnesty, creeds, the eviscerated Constitution, bigotry (white), racism (white), our "exceptionalism," benevolent government, and wise legislators and judges. Their fondest dream is to make white Americans a minority in their own country.

Without leaders it will be left to the people to pick up the pieces when it all collapses, after they pay a terrible price in blood and treasure in the cultural, economic, and political chaos that is inevitable.

[1] "Let’s Get One Thing Straight." By Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna, 9/15/13.

September 6, 2013

Pre-post-modernist Bismarkian clarity.

As Bismark said about the Balkans, "There is nothing there worth the life of one Prussian Grenadier." The same holds true for the U.S. and Syria.
Comment by zeprin on on "Why We Still Must Not Support Obama’s Strike on Syria: Responding to Ron Radosh." By Brian Preston, PJ Media, 9/5/13.

Pearls of expression – XXXV.

An extremist Muslim wants to kill you. A moderate Muslim wants extremist Muslims to kill you.
Comment by Jack Arnold on "Why We Still Must Not Support Obama’s Strike on Syria: Responding to Ron Radosh." By Brian Preston, PJ Media, 9/5/13.

Pearls of expression – XXXIV.

Operation Protect Obama’s Ego is an insufficient basis for war.[1]
A great comment and right up there with former Congressman Dennis Kucinich on FoxNews today: "We shouldn't go to war over vanity" or words to that effect.

What kind of a country has this become that I agree with Dennis Kucinich?

[1] Comment by Terry Gain on "Why We Still Must Not Support Obama’s Strike on Syria: Responding to Ron Radosh." By Brian Preston, PJ Media, 9/5/13.

Pearls of expression – XXXIII.

In the words of Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former US National Security Advisor, if Mr Obama has coherent policy on Syria, “it is a well-kept secret”.
"Syria: David Cameron's fairly honourable defeat." By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 8/30/13.

The true "progressive" agenda.

Progressivism is an invention of Fabian Socialists, and therefore seek to hide their true agenda (totalitarian enslavement or reduction of the human population) behind whatever terminology seems most popular, even claiming to be in favor of “freedom” and “liberty” (social, economic, religious, or what have you).

Political progressives are inherently Global Socialists or International Communists at heart, once you strip away the deceptive rhetoric and look at their actual policy prescriptions. They are only “anti-fascist” in that National Socialism does not have grand enough scope for their dreams of subjugating the entire human race (and liquidating that portion that will not submit, generally estimated at 90% of more of the existing population). As Fabian Socialists, Progressives are committed to a gradual process in which society is modified incrementally to accept totalitarian control.[1]

Westerners like to flirt with trendy politics and love soothing language of "rights," "equality," "freedom," "compassion," and "justice." These benign goals are all opposed by "right wingers," "tea baggers, "corporations," "fascists," "conservatives," "fundamentalist Christians," "militias," "gun nuts," "corporations," "racists," "homophobes," "islamaphobes," "vets," "bigots," "birthers," and people who won't eat their vegetables. Which airy fairy pantheon of evil the press and low-information voters (i.e., morons) lap up like spilled Jack Daniels on the kitchen floor.

To this massive tra la la contingent, the American political system is a benign, self-healing constitutional republic that never ceases to serve up leaders on the order of Mary Poppins, Andy Griffith, Harry Potter, Gidget, and Inspector Clouseau. They never see the Barack Obamas, the Van Joneses, the Valerie Jarretts, the Cynthia McKinneys, the Nancy Pelosis, the Bernie Sanders, the Harry Reids, and the Ted Kennedys who cheer each accretion of power to the total, irresistible, lawless, Constitution-optional unitary federal government as though the excesses of totalitarian political power of the last century never happened.

But they did and the progressives work to recreate the ideal conditions for an encore as they struggle for total arbitrary power.

[1] Comment by Chiu ChunLing on September 5, 2013 at 6:42 am on "Recognizing the Wrong People." By Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna, 9/3/13.

September 3, 2013

Runaway train and no Denzel.

It's the indiscriminate killing that bothers me. Any country that does that is no better than the scumbags who leave car bombs in shopping districts in order to blow up innocents. We object to the senseless killing of Syrians so we should do some too?

I think only a tiny number of Americans have actually thoughtfully considered the chain of events unleashed when engaging in a tactical attack on civilian infrastructure in foreign countries . . . .[1]

To put this in perspective, consider this great pretend Obama quote devised by The New Yorker's Andy Borowitz:
Let me be clear. Our goal will not be to effect régime change, or alter the balance of power in Syria, or bring the civil war there to an end. We will simply do something random there for one or two days and then leave.
H/t: James Taranto.

The responsibility to protect "doctrine" of very, very recent vintage, let it be said, did not extend to our own people in Benghazi but it now applies to strangers caught up, innocently or otherwise, in a civil war between parties who despise us with equal passion. Apparently, the United States haven't learned their lesson about involving themselves in the Muslim world whose politics and religious savagery defy comprehension. Even when the national budget is succinctly defined by the word "hemorrhage," the insane desire for mindless foreign military involvement is as ever-present in the White House as Reggie Love.

The supposed responsibility to protect raises the question, "Protect against whom?" "President Assad!" is the immediate Obama/Kerry answer with the U.S. intelligence community said to be four-square behind them. However, apart from the fact that

  • chemical weapons are indiscriminate weapons that depend on favorable (and accurately perceived) meteorological conditions,
  • there was no tactical or strategic advantage to Assad to have used them given that he appears far from defeated, and
  • it's probably unwise, on balance, to taunt even an unstable, inexperienced American president (even if protected by a lap-dog national press establishment),
there are reports that the chemical agents were supplied by the the Saudi intelligence chief and/or some "Saudi militant" and mishandled by the "rebels" and that it was the "rebels" who initially denied United Nations inspectors access to the supposed attack site (H/t: New Zeal Blog) not Assad.

The ability of the Dems to lead the American media (and the Republicans) by the nose from the swings to the tricky bars to the slides to the sandbox is formidable. Excellence is alive and well in the hollowed out America of Holder (my people; territory = nationhood), Jones (I'm a commie), Jarrett (we love Van), Glover (Chavez and Castro suck up), Bloomberg (eat your veggies), Goldberg (whoopee cushion; DDR suck up), Sharpton (depart white interlopers), the New York Times (Duranty who?), Cone (black liberation theology; kill whitey), Winfrey (sweet, sweet grievance, I thee embrace), Biden (Peter Principle), Roberts (it's a righteous tax), Zinn (garbage America), Reid (send more Mexicans), Maher (The Finger), and The Man with No Past.

[1] "No Mercy." By HMS Defiant, 8/30/13.