June 11, 2005


"Kafir (pl. kuffar) means an infidel, an unbeliever . . . ."

There are three kinds of kuffar:

  1. Kafir dhimmi -- a kafir "who lives under the protection of an Islamic government."
  2. Kafir harbi -- a kafir "who does not have such a protection."
  3. Kafir murtad -- apostates:
  • "Murtad fitri," a person born of a Muslim parent who declares his disbelief in Islam.
  • "Murtad milli," a non-Muslim who accepted Islam but then "apostates" from it.
Some other categories exist.

[Mr. S. M. Rizvi] notes that people in the third category of kuffar are "rare." Sort of along the lines of, "There are many old Muslims and there are many bold kuffar murtad. But, there are not many old, bold kuffar murtad."[1]

Note that kuffar are najis (unclean) while alive and after death and our uncleanliness is inherent rather than acquired.

We have put a man on the moon and unselfishly given Paris Hilton and Breakfast Toaster Pops to the world, but according to Muslim doctrine every last one of us is an inferior to . . . say . . . this guy.

Source for most of this: The Ritual & Spiritual Purity, [S. M. Rizvi, Richmond, B.C.].

[1]What The Colonel is hinting at here is the very short half life of people who choose to leave Islam or even suggest that its tenets might be interpreted a little differently. More on this later.

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