June 2, 2005

OK. Now I get it - II.

Roland Dumas followed [Claude] Cheysson [as French foreign minister] in 1984. Within three months of taking office, Dumas visited Arafat in Tunis, where the PLO leader had taken refuge after his forced evacuation from Beirut. A lawyer, Dumas had helped defend Hilarion Capucci, a Greek Orthodox priest caught gun-running for the PLO, and he played a part in ensuring that the terrorist Abu Daoud was hurried out of the country in the 1970’s. Air piracy, he was to tell a newspaper in December 1984, “was the only way for Palestinian resistance to smash international indifference.”
“Jews, Arabs, and French Diplomacy. A Special Report.” David Pryce-Jones, Commentary, May 2005 (emphasis added).

For a rough comparison, Dear Reader, imagine the reaction to Condaleeza Rice, current U.S. Secretary of State, were she to tell The Washington Times, “The only way for the Chechens to smash international indifference is to hijack Russian airliners.”

Zut galore, mes amis! There'd be a wussbunny conniption fit of gastronomical proportions.

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