July 20, 2005

Christian bastard.

Read about the death threats, bricks through the window, and graffiti experienced by a Pakistani muslim and his wife who converted to Christianity.

Three years of misery inflicted by Muslims in Bradford, UK.

Here's an excerpt from the Times:
Muslims who lose their faith face execution or imprisonment, in line with traditional Muslim teaching, in many Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and Yemen. In the Netherlands, the former Muslim MP Ayan Hirsi Ali had to go into hiding after renouncing her faith on television.

Read it all to appreciate that rubber-meets-the-road reality of how the Religion of Peace operates and, I might add, how British officials have been useless in providing protection or punishing any of the perpetrators.

From Dhimmi Watch, 2/5/05 <-- Times Online: "Muslim apostates cast out and at risk from faith and family," by Anthony Browne.

1 comment:

Jim Simpson said...

This is discouraging. I am coming around to the argument that it IS the fundamental religion that is the problem. Very sad.

I have gotten a book, "The Life and Religion of Mohammed" by J.L. Menezes. This was written in the early 1900's by a Catholic Priest who lived among the Muslims in India. It is supposed to be one of the best. I look forward to reading it.