August 21, 2005

Dearth of females in Muslim countries.

Twenty of the thirty nations with severe imbalances -- which cannot be explained by natural forces, but which are most [likely] the result of direct, human intervention -- are Muslim. Another indication that there is a connection between this imbalance and Islam is the fact that . . . of thirty (30) nations with imbalances which FAVOR women, only ONE (1) is predominantly Muslim or as a significant Muslim minority.

If there were no correlation between this imbalance and Islam then we would expect that there would be fewer Muslim nations on the chart which shows the nations with imbalances which favor men, and more on the chart which shows nations with imbalances which favor women. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that there is some relationship betweeen Islam and gender-imbalances in the national populations which favor men.

Could it be female infanticide? Or "honor killings?" Some people think so -- at [least] they think that the horrific practice is very widespread. These charts lend credence to them. ALSO: this imbalance may reveal what is at the core of the current "clash of civilizations." The propensity of certain nations and cultures and religions to produce disproportionately more terrorists, and specifically the propensity for Islam to produce jihadoterrorism might be related to the fact that their culture promotes the devaluation [of] females and femininity and subjugates women -- turning them into [chattels], making them the property of husbands who have many wives.
What's causing Muslim nations to have serious gender-imbalances in their populations? The Astute Blogger, 8/14/05.

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