August 6, 2005

Jackass alert - II.

One has a shaky grasp on the Great Grisly Greased Guidepost of Ghastly Grim Reality when one is the 2005 President of the Middle East Studies Association of North America and thinks that "the global war on terror" is
not a war. It is counter-insurgency. . . .

* * * *

As for the jihadis, who do wish us harm, former CIA analyst Marc Sageman estimates the number of radical Muslims who can and would do significant harm to the US in the hundreds.

That's right. The old "war on terror" was a war of the world's sole superpower on a few hundred people.
Michael J. Totten sugggests it's actually more like, you know, a war, dude:

Fisking Juan Cole: A Photo Gallery <--- Michael J. Totten.

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