August 6, 2005

The Uncertain Trumpet Redux.

For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?
I Corinthians14:8 (KJV). Online Parallel Bible.

This is a brilliant article on President Bush's Middle East strategy: "Are the Jacksonians Sated?" By Michael J. Totten.

Thanks to Mr. Totten and Walter Mead the Colonel finally knows what to call himself -- notwithstanding years of helpful suggestions.

We title this post as we have because Pres. Bush straddles two two schools of foreign policy -- or at least gives lip service to the Jacksonian school. And Wilsonianism has a built in drag chute, just like multiculturalism, because it needlessly factors in a calculus relating to internationalism and its historically proven airy fairy assumptions. Mr. Bush thus adheres to Wilsonianism, which detracts from, or prevents, a clear assessment of America's sole and individual national interests. Ergo, confusion and paralysis.

In this respect only, Iraq may resemble Vietnam.

The Colonel hopes that Mr. Totten is not quite correct, though it would appear that he is, that the Jacksonians are in repose, and presumably that is also so with regard to the issue of border control. That seems like an issue as clearcut as tanks rolling north through Tuscon, so it does appear they Jacksonians don't get lit up by the feds tolerating a porous border.

Here's a suggestion to Jacksonians everywhere: vote against ANY public official, incumbent or candidate, Recorder of Deeds or Governor, who does not publicly make this statement at the time of filing for (re)election:

I oppose illegal immigration and demand that our borders be sealed.

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