October 12, 2005

Skymusing's advice to moderate Muslims.

As in all subgroupings of any culture, you darn well know darn well where "the ones I wouldn't hang out with" hang out.

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Until you choose to do any or all of these [to identify radicals, etc.], then you are a tacit accomplice of the bad guys, and have no moral ground on which to stand. Claims of "Religion of Peace" will fall on deaf ears for very good reasons. Passively standing by while others kill in your name is not acceptable, and will become less so as time goes by and attacks continue, and suspicion of all muslims will increase.

Aligning yourself with your "muslim brothers" simply because you share an ethnicity or named religion is no excuse. Long ago, American Christians denounced, exposed, and shunned their friends and neighbors who were Ku Klux Klan because the hooded terrorists of that age were performing their acts in the name of a god and religion that the rest of us did not share. You also must choose between a common heritage and a clash in worldview. You enjoy your freedoms and privileges, the terrorists want them removed. At some point you will be forced to choose; it may as well be sooner than later -- it tends to be less painful, less expensive, and more effective.

Choose to be a citizen first and a muslim second.
"To our muslim friends in the US and UK." Skymusings, 7/22/05.

To "Choose to be a citizen first and a muslim second" we add that not one person in your host culture will think that the punishment for placing your obligations as a citizen first should be death. Only the Lunartarians among you think that way. You owe it to yourself and the rest of us to help get rid of them.

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