November 29, 2005

Saddam, WMD, and the anchor-dragging Left.

In the execrable "Bush lied!" campaign so beloved by the Dog in the Manger Left in this country much effort has been expended gleefully to shout the news that no nuclear, biological or chemical weapons were found in Iraq after the most recent invasion.

Typical pre-invasion basing mode, Iraqi MIG 25.Given that in the run up to the recent invasion (1) there was plenty of time to hide evidence of his NBC activities, (2) Saddam was able to bury large fighter aircraft in the sand to avoid detection and destruction,[1] (3) trains and trucks ran freely from Iraq to Syria, and (4) Russian forces may have helped Saddam to transport WMD to Syria, no one in these troubled times should be all that wedded to the theory that NBC weapons were never there in the first place.

The Gooneybird Left is so desperate for an "issue" that they've become like a cat that crosses a street. Once it commits to crossing, it stares at the far side and scoots without ever a sideways glance. The Dem equivalent is to ignore all manner of pre-Bush evidence and try to score off of Mr. Bush for personally failing to check the "Discard After" dates on the troop MREs.[2]

Michelle Malkin has a clever illustration of this, which graphic we reproduce here at her behest:

Click to launch search
Amy Kellogg also reports today that Saddam used against the Iraqi Kurds a

combination of chemical agents including mustard gas, sarin and possibly VX [that] killed 5,000 people and left 65,000 others with severe skin and respiratory diseases, abnormal cancer rates and various birth defects.[3]
Even now she reports that there still are "50,000 Iranians suffering from the affects of exposure to Saddam Hussein's mustard gas" and that the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s caused almost a million casualties.[4]

Right there we have 120,000 people killed or horribly affected by Saddam's actual use of a weapon of mass destruction.

He had it. He used it.

End of story.

All this evidence is ignored by the despicable Left. In point of fact, the Left's massive bank of superhigh-energy radars tuned to detect any forest sparrow fall between Nome and Nogales is curiously down for maintenance on this issue.

The reason is obvious. The Left is angling solely for partisan advantage and is heedless of the need for unanimity and dogged persistence in the war on Islamic fruitcakes everywhere.

The Colonel himself gagged at the announcement of the juvenile "Axis of Evil" and would much prefer the invasion and occupation to have been of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and/or Syria. Colonialism ended far too soon, we think, and another 50 years of western "tutelage" in some of the more benighted areas of the world would be a change for the better, in the Middle East and elsewhere. If nothing else, think how much better off the ENTIRE WORLD would be without a lot of oil money flowing to people with a devotion to terrorism and a very backward "religion" who have no ability to manufacture a pop tart let alone a decent peekaboo bra.

Without going There, it's nonetheless true that you can throw a dart at a map of the Middle East and its environs, hurt the government of the country thus selected (with some exceptions), and make a dent in Islamofascist plans for terror and obscurantism. The invasion of Iraq and our continued presence there thus serve some useful purposes, even if there might have been far better objectives for our military in the region.

But the Left chooses not to debate our foreign policy constructively by addressing where and how we should make war upon Islamic obscurantists ("Isloobs"?). They don't even seem to care to acknowledge that they've made war on us. Rather, the Left has chosen to stake its hopes on an intellectually bankrupt campaign that "Bush (eek) lied!" and the metaphysical vagaries of the Valerie Plame nonscandal.

The Left's anchor is quickly dragging away from safe moorings. Its stupidity is, of course, matched only by Republican fiscal irresponsibility, unwillingness to address the incompatibility of Islamic doctrine with western notions of civil society, and cowardly unwillingness to seal the southern land border despite the creation of the feckless Department of Homeland Security (whose director has still at this late hour failed to resign in protest of the federal government's failure to meet its most basic of responsibilities).

The Colonel needs to go fan himself for a while.

[1] 50,000 silicon-particle removers also recovered nearby. Criminal proceedings pending against American manufacturer for Trading with the Enemy Act violation.
[2] Military field rations. Meals Ready to Eat or, more properly, Meals Rejected by Ethiopians.
[3] Inside Iran Part VIII: Saddam's Iranian Victims." By Amy Kellogg, FOX News, 11/29/05 (links omitted).
[4] Id.

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