December 29, 2005

Fox News -- whores for the story.

Jonathan Hunt reports today on Fox News on authorities' observation that none of the 9/11 hijackers made eye contact with airport screeners.

FOX News Alert to Terrorists: One of the things infidel screening personnel will focus on is whether or not you make eye contact when they are talking to you. Be SURE to make eye contact when you must deal with these dogs!

What is wrong with the media when they reveal this kind of information? Why do memebers of the public need to know this tidbit of information? Why reveal a technique that our security personnel might be able use to detect terrorists?

Remember when Jack Anderson revealed that the U.S. was successfully monitoring Brehznev's automobile phone calls? Immediate result: no more use of the phone by the top official of the Soviet Union.

The present revelation is something else that made a journalist feel important for five minutes but which seriously damaged the national interest.

FOX's revelation is just more irresponsible behavior on the part of the MSM. Whores for 30 seconds of fill on the evening news.

National security be damned!


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