February 14, 2006

Bogus outrage.

Sometimes it's delicious what people with a memory can do to keep bogus outrage at the sub-chain reaction level.

In watching the press go beserk because Dick Cheney did not immediately call David Gregory and say, "I plugged my pal full of birdshot!" I had remembered that Ted Kennedy had driven a car off a bridge and left a girl to die while he waited 12 hours before notifying anyone . . . but I’d forgotten what Michelle remembers, that Hillary Clinton and her WH were behind a 30 hour delay in releasing Vince Foster’s suicide note. Oh, yeah . . . I wonder if Terry Moran remembers that . . . .
"Quick takes around the ’sphere." By The Anchoress, 2/14/06.

The Anchoress also has a short post on the bogus five-month delay between publication of the cartoons and the staged/provoked/encouraged/madated riots and pillagings that took place in the Muslim world recently.

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