February 19, 2006

Islam unredeemable.

This sort of stuff makes the Colonel wonder why he even bothers with toying with concepts like accountability and consistency in Islam:

Nothing we say or do will make Muslims like us any better. Islam has been beating down the door of Western Civilization since the time of Charlemagne. They conquered Spain, took Constantinople in 1453, besieged Vienna in 1529 and again in 1683. The Turks blew up the Parthenon in 1687 and fighting between Greeks and Turks continued into this century. The Balkans became the “powder keg of Europe” once the Turks invaded.

And it isn’t just us. Islam is at war with every civilization on its borders. They’re fighting with India, with China, with African tribes in Sudan. Nor do Muslims ever stop fighting among themselves. The whole history of Islam is a story of a group of dissidents going out into the desert, deciding the religion practiced by the elites was not the “true Islam,” and crashing back upon the cities to seize power. The word “assassins” comes from a Persian cult whose members drugged themselves with hashish before carrying out suicide attacks. The Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda are just the latest of a long, long line.

Islam is a culture that has never learned to curb male violence. All it can do is export it.
It's sooo depressing.

"Standing Up To Terror." By William Tucker, The American Enterprise Online, 2/13/06 <--- Gates of Vienna.


linearthinker said...

Well put comment at Gates.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Thank you very much. That stuff has been percolating for months and suddenly there was a place to put it all, thanks to Dymphna.

This idea of the ideological response, the full tilt PR blitz, grows on me.