February 23, 2006

Muslim hypocrisy: Taliban destruction of Buddhist statutes.

Muslims do not respect or revere the personalities of non-monotheistic religions. Given the opportunity, they would not hesitate even for a second before razing to ground all the Hindu temples and the Buddhist monasteries together with all the idols and statues that are housed in them.

How easily Muslims can trample the feelings of other religious people is discernible from one of the actions of the Muslim leaders of Afghanistan. They destroyed three of the old statues of Buddha who is deeply revered, and worshipped, by his followers.

Despite this outrageous action of the Muslim leaders of Afghanistan, no Buddhist is known to have reacted against the ordinary Muslims, nor are the Buddhists known either to have burned the national flag of Afghanistan, or destroyed Muslims’ property anywhere in the world.


As Buddhism is a real non-violent way of life, its practitioners do not react violently even against those who insult, defile or destroy the statue of its founder. This Buddhist attitude cannot be found in the Muslims, hence their destructive agitation against Denmark, and the Christians of the West.
"Muslims and the imperceptibility of the West." By Mohammad Asghar, Islam Watch, 2/10/06 (emphasis added).

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