May 12, 2006

Walking through a sewer.

[T]he world view of CAIR’s current leaders – at least the one I found reflected in over a decade’s worth of public statements and activities – has traction among key Muslim elites (e.g. clerics and community activists) who have come to this country from the Mid-East, Pakistan, Malaysia, and India, and among certain Muslim converts. As I went through CAIR’s paper and Internet trail back to approximately 1994, it seemed to me CAIR’s world view, its “meta-message” as it were, can be broken down into three key themes. [Fear that Islam is under intense assault. Triumphalist confidence (Islam the only true faith, Muslim domination eventually assured). Jews and Zionists the source of all Muslim problems and failures.]

The reason I think this world view has traction among many Mid-Eastern and South Asian Muslim elites, is that I saw these same themes reappear over and over again on a variety of Muslim websites, that I explored, and in many mosque sermons and Islamic publications that I read. In the course of defending Mr. Whitehead, we engaged in a great deal of wide-ranging research, and I must tell you that I found entering the Islamic Internet world was like walking through a sewer. The contempt and intolerance for difference and dissent (even by other Muslims) is shocking. Anti-Americanism and disdain for Western civilization is a given. The oppression of women seems to be a basic cultural norm. And, of course, raw, eliminationist anti-Semitism is ubiquitous. Frankly, the obsessive fixation on Jews, Jewish control of the United States, and Jewish worldwide plots at times led me to believe there is some sort of mass psychosis at work.
Interview with Reed Rubinstein in "A Defeat for Islamism in America." By Jamie Glazov,, 5/8/06 (emphasis added).

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