June 19, 2006

Going on the attack.

The sellout to the pathology of Islam by Western politician continues at flank speed.

In his article Mark Steyn looks at the insanity of focusing on "victim" rights whenever some new Islamic outrage takes place and has this clear headed thought about dealing Muslim terrorists:

If we try to fight it as isolated outbreaks -- a suicide attack here, a beheading there -- we will never win. You have to take on the ideology and the networks that sustain it and throttle them. Does David Miller [mayor of Toronto] sound like a man who's up to that challenge? A reader in Quebec, John Gross, emailed me to distill the mayor's approach as: "Don't get mad, get even . . . wimpier."
"You can't believe your lyin' eyes. The Islamoschmoozing has gone into full gear. What's the harm? This is how nations die." By Mark Steyn, Macleans.ca, 6/13/06 (emphasis added).

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