June 11, 2006

Muslim misunderstanders.

Robert Spencer comments on the Muslim guy in North Carolina who drove into a bunch of infidel students to kill as many as he could. We like his concept of "misunderstander" of the Koran. Anybody with any sense can see that it's filled with injunctions to kill the unbelievers, not make friends with them, subjugate them, etc., but the Muslim spinmeisters everywhere just keep peddling the absurdity that the Koran enjoins peace, love, and free parking:

It seems that the Tarheel mujahid "read the Quran's 114 chapters 15 times and found that the Muslim holy book justified the attack." And he did not try to murder UNC students "out of hatred for Americans, but out of love for Allah instead."

Now, I know where in the Qur'an he could have gotten this idea. . . . . But still we have the President of the United States and the Secretary of State blandly insisting that Islam is a religion of peace. We have the leading American Muslim spokesmen insisting that, in effect, Taheri-azar was completely misreading what is a book of peace and benevolence and tolerance.

There are just too many misunderstanders of Islam . . . all over the world for this position to be maintained. Yet three and a half years after Muhammad Atta and his crew flew a plane into the World Trade Center out of love for Allah, we still don't see any sustained or concerted effort by Muslims here or anywhere else to disabuse their coreligionists of the jihad ideology.
"Muslim says Quran justified attack in N.C." By Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, 3/23/06 (emphasis added).

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