March 27, 2007

Defining moment.

Some on Capitol Hill seem not to understand the significance of the events of September 11, 2001.

It is this: Certain people order their lives according to a vicious and aggressive doctrine that deliberately cloaks itself in the trappings of a religion. They are our mortal and persistent enemies. Their religion is antithetical to and inconsistent with every value that we cherish in our society. The struggle against Muslims transcends any imaginable partisan disagreement within the U.S.

No presumption of good will or of any willingness to conform to the dictates of a civilized society can be made with respect to any person who calls himself a Muslim. To the contrary, any man or woman who simply agrees to identify himself or herself as a Muslim or engages in any recognizable Muslim practice must be subject to a presumption
  • that he or she is fundamentally hostile to the United States in particular and the West in general,
  • that no compromise is possible with such a person, and
  • that his or her presence in the interior of Western civilization is a ghastly mistake and one that requires immediate rectification regardless of cost.
The events of 9/11 -- and countless others like them differing only in scale -- are aided and abetted, sponsored, devised, or directed by the governments of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Pakistan. Countless millions of Muslims around the world rejoice in every such strike. The events of September 11 differ only from all other such outrages in that they clearly signal the magnitude of the hatred for us and the true extent of the destruction Muslims wish to inflict on us.

ANYTHING we do to oppose and defeat these enemies is the right thing to do. No mistake that is made in this process is a mistake of any consequence.

The only requirement is that somewhere each day the noose is drawn tighter around the neck of the Islamic monster.

"REMEMBER September 11, 2001 - TRIBUTE TO THE VICTIMS OF 9/11."

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