March 15, 2007

Freedom of speech and huge differences.

. . . Muslims are rightly pointing out that freedom of speech is a hypocritical concept and that Western culture asserts the right to freedom of speech whilst openly imposing strict limitations on that freedom. . . .

The myth that freedom of speech is a fundamental principle of Western European civilisation is not however based on pure fantasy. The reality is that a general broad consensus of opinion in Western culture nullifies the threat to cohesion posed by differences of opinion on individual issues. . . .

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From time to time radical differences of opinion and fundamental differences of belief will arise within a culture. These fundamental differences of opinion cannot be contained at a cultural level and give rise to religious wars, civil wars and revolutions. The divergence of opinion between the Islamic faith and the secular humanist belief system of Western Europeans is no less fundamental and irreconcilable than the differences in belief that have previously shattered Europe. The incorporation of Islam into Western Europe is creating the type of polarization of belief that has consistently resulted in protracted bloodshed and horror. On what basis are we to assume that our future generations will avoid these horrors?
This question is absolutely key. The de facto answer of people who cannot envision any kind of a reality past the time of the next Blue Light Special at K Mart is that inertia is the preeminent guide for political action.

Or is it, "I'm all right, Jack"?

Those who would rather suck their thumbs and twiddle their hair should answer this question: Exactly on what basis can you conclude that current trends are in the direction of amelioration of differences and of assimilation?

Contrary evidence abounds. Innumerable blogs and MSM outlets daily report a torrent of facts that outline a disastrous metastasization of rejectionist ideas.

Where is the general tocsin?

"Veils of Illusion." Voxceltica, 10/24/06 (emphasis added).

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