March 12, 2007

French surrender territory to insurgents.

This is French territory no longer controlled by France:

Ceded to enemy forces.
Tragically, this graphic[1] depicts only one of 752 such areas in France in which the authorities have ceded sovereignty to Muslim immigrants.

Whatever validity there might be in the elusive concept of "moderate" Muslims, you can be sure that whether there are any "moderates" in these areas is a consideration of monumental irrelevance. The stark and inescapable reality is that when there is a critical mass of Muslims in an area, the worst elements rise up to articulate hatred of the Western government of their country and terrorize any Muslims inclined to peaceful integration.

The above graphic does not show the phenomenon of integration. It shows hostility and the intent to conquer. Baron Bodissey correctly points out the obvious, viz., these are areas of Dar al Islam, areas that are part of the House of Islam.[2]

France it isn't. Not any more.

Maybe never again.

Good thing will never happen here in the U.S. Thank goodness WE don't have to worry about such a resident, alien presence growing too large to deal with peacefully.

[1] See here for the same image with boundary lines drawn by French depicting Muslim areas. The graphic is from a French government list of "Sensitive Urban Zones" (Atlas Des Zones Urbaines Sensibles).
[2] The Baron lays it all out for you over at Gates of Vienna by the Baron: "L’Allée de la Perdition." By Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna, 3/1/07.

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