April 28, 2007

"Nation of Immigrants" foolishness.

David Conway, author of the Civitas report, said: "The view that Britain is a nation of immigrants suggests Britain has always experienced immigration on its present-day scale from time immemorial, which is by no means the case."
Mr. Conway raises an interesting conceptual point, one so obvious that only an American president or Congressman or Congresswoman could fail to see: It is one thing to notice and celebrate that present-day Americans come from many different foreign lands and climes. It is another to advocate that foreigners have a right to migrate to America without restriction and that the only acceptable domestic response to immigration from any source or in any quantity is meekly to accept all immigrants and to take care of the creature comforts of the immigrants, cater to their disparate linguistic needs, and request politely that they conform to established social norms.

"Migration 'tipping point reached'." BBC News, 4/21/07.

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