The punishment prescribed by the shari`ah for apostasy is death.[1]There you have it.
If you think Islam is just not for you and want to become a Quaker, you must die. If you publicly state that there is any kind of a scientific, political, or religious boo boo anywhere in Muslim doctrine, you get your throat slit.
If you like aspects of Islam but think some of the doctrine is barbarous or irrational, well, then you are a disturber or a polytheist or an idolater as defined by some priest who will cling to absolute theocratic control over other Muslims like a giant squid to a whale.
If the Colonel and his like-minded pals could decide which of their neighbors was deviating unacceptably from The True Way and have the deviators killed, in what way would our little community not be a tyranny?
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Our opening quote, btw, is from a Muslim wise man living and blithely propagating this sick anti-Western drivel in the bowels of Canada, Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi, honored guest at the above gathering, pronouncing jointly upon the birth of the moon.
It is a nice, if inconvenient, question to ask if the killing of apostates is permissible under Canadian law, or, if it is not, presently, is there any conceivable circumstance when it will be permissible in Canada to kill apostates. If it is never conceivable, then any Muslim who says this must be an apostate for rejecting this fundamental doctrine of Islam.
Muslim leaders will shuck and jive over this these questions and resist mightily having to admit that the Koran and local law are incompatible and that the former must give way to the latter. Reasonable Muslims, i.e., those who already reject the
Thus, the only answer a Muslim can truthfully give is that killing of apostates in Western society is acceptable presently or sometime in the future.
If any Muslim believes this -- that it is conceivable __ then such a person has no business residing in a Western country where the idea of killing someone for a religious reason is anathema.
What is it in Westerners that makes them inject this horrible ideology into their very bloodstream?
The first order of business in the West is to get serious about the stark meaning of having Muslims in our midst.
Why submit like dogs to an inferior creed?
[1] Section 4 of "Apostasy in Islam." By Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi. Maulana Rizvi has favored the world by writing extensively on the religious implications of menstruation. Man, this faith has it all. Who knew that women lacked guidance on this from people whose sole qualification for doing so is a knowledge of the Koran?
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