May 20, 2007


Note to self: Make sure chances of pricks like this coming to U.S. maximized by immigration laws. Call Congressman ASAP. Let's fast track this.

No, wait! They're already working on it:
"Whoever allies himself with the Kaffirs (non-believers) against the believers - he is one of them.

"He who joins the British Army, the American Army, he is a mortal kaffir and his only hukum (punishment) is for his head to be removed.

"Indeed, whoever changes his deen (Muslim code of life); kill him."
Are there any immortal kuffar? Yes, can anybody tell me that? There's some urgency here people. I'm looking at 60 in my rear view mirror.

Whoa! Time for some more adult beverage action here. Way past time.

"Extremist video uncovered." ITV. 2/5/07.

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