May 2, 2007

Unprecedented terrorist threat.

Our post title should probably be "Unprecedented betrayal."

[MI5] says British Muslims are being indoctrinated with horrifying speed, and more terrorists are being recruited every day.

In truth, as our leading counterterrorist police officer, Peter Clarke, said last week, this country is facing a terrorist threat of a nature and scale it has simply never seen before.

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When my book Londonistan was published a year ago, my claim that we were in a state of denial . . . was dismissed in some quarters as unwarranted alarmism.

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But our official class is still failing to take the action that is necessary to defeat this threat to our whole way of life.
The inability of Western elites to react to threats is mystifying. Which is possibly the understatement of all time, we hasten to add.

The elites everywhere are impervious to threats that are crystal clear to busdrivers, Army sergeants, accountants, beat cops, farmers, small businessmen, construction workers, and all manner of other working stiffs who deal with practical problems such as selling goods and services, meeting payroll, or dealing directly with the lumpenproletariat.

Our elites are like the naifs in horror films who hear a noise in the basement and conclude that they simply have to investigage. At midnight, of course. The inevitable decision is taken to SPLIT UP and the audience knows both that this is foreordained and that there is nothing it can do to prevent this stupid decision from being implemented.

In the face of internal cultural denigration and the deluge of legal and illegal immigration, our elites head to the basement of passivity and denial as though in the grip of a Klingon tractor beam . . . and the citizenry get to play their role as helpless witness to their own debasement and betrayal.

"When will we British learn to stop appeasing terror?" By Melanie Phillips, Daily Express, 5/1/07.

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