June 7, 2007

Savage faiths.

Whatever the true teachings of Christ may have been, the fact remains that in medieval times torture and numerous other forms of clerical terror designed to enforce the faith at sword-point upon heretics and unbelievers was the norm for Christianity. Such terror wasn’t ‘unrepresentative’ of the church; it wasn’t confined to a ‘few extremists’; and it certainly wasn’t got up by the media. As was demonstrated by the plight of the Jews who were routinely butchered by Christians for refusing to convert, Christianity was a savage faith until the Enlightenment separated out church and state. The problem with Islam is that it remains stuck in that pre-reformation state of clerical savagery; and while there are many Muslims in Britain and around the world who do not wish to live under what has been called Islamic fascism (and are indeed among its principal victims) the jihad currently dominates the Islamic world just as pre-modern Christianity was dominated by priestly violence and intimidation.
Sigh. How can you trust Melanie Phillips any more? She glosses over the current theocracy and vile Inquisition in the United States where innocent secularists are routinely burned, tortured, disemboweled, decapitated, refrigerated, musicfied, sleep deprived, tickled, touched by women criticized by ardent, high-profile, hypermoralistic, hypocrital, anti-abortion, Christian evangelistic twerps.

The horror of modern Christianity is there for anyone to see but can one find even ONE mention in Melanie Phillips's columns of the agonies that people endure at Episcopalian Sunday morning coffee hours?

There is a dark side to this woman, I'm telling you.

"Britain’s dhimmiversities." Melanie Phillips, 6/5/07.

1 comment:

The Gunslinger said...

I guess it hasn't occurred to these castrati that the problem with modern Christianity is that it's lost its drive to conquer and survive.

Man, Christianity isn't too aggressive, it ain't agressive enough!

Christians are being slaughtered all over the globe by filthy jihadists...and nary a Crusade to be seen.
