July 16, 2007

Clasping the viper to one's bosom.

Ok. We're a little cross today. Just a liiiiiittle torqued over the tra la la school of statecraft.

Invite in Hindus, Zoroastrians (any not killed off by the Iranians), Bahais (ditto), Zulus, Chileans, Jamaicans, Tonganese, Japanese, Russians, Filipinos, Chinese, or what have you?

Everything's cool.

Invite in the Musselman?

It's terror, threats, abuse of the legal system, demands for sharia, car burnings, and wall-to-wall subversion.


Here's why.
The mere swelling of Muslim ranks in the Western world will make it harder to properly monitor Muslim populations. It will make it much more expensive to do so. It will make politicians grow willing to curry Muslim votes and, to do so, willing to set up obstacles to the most sensible and straightforward of security measures.

Infidels did nothing to deserve this except to naively accept these populations into their countries. They gave no thought at all to the ideological content of Islam, nor to the 1350-year history of Islamic conquest and subsequent subjugation of Infidels -- a history remarkably similar, from Spain to the East Indies. They do not deserve as a consequence of that act of naive generosity to now be forced to endure the large-scale presence of people who, to the extent that they remain true Believers, will create and have already created in much of Western Europe if not yet North America a situation that for the indigenous Infidels, and for other, non-Muslim, immigrants, is much more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous than would be the case without this large-scale Muslim presence.

There is not an Englishman, a Frenchman, a German, a Dane, a Dutchman, a Belgian, a Swede, an Italian, a Spaniard, who -- no matter what he may think of remedial action -- can truthfully deny the truth of that last assertion.
When the State Department stops slobbering over the Saudi ambassador's rings, maybe it can recommend a course of action to the President that will deal with this obvious peril.

Maybe some other official could figure it out all by his or her lonesome.

"One in a thousand?" By Hugh Fitzgerald, Jihad Watch, 7/16/07 (emphasis added).

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