July 5, 2007

An old story but worth remembering.

The Kosovo war was meant to protect Clinton's legacy by being his ticket out of a squalid Lewinsky legacy.
Some delight in accusing Bush of taking revenge on Saddam for the attempt on Bush the Elder's life. This is taken as Exhibit A of an evil man pursuing a personal vendetta with his own private army at his disposal, justified by lies most vile, and urged on by servile, scheming neocons eager to divert the United States away from the True Path of Neverending Peace through Neverending Talking About It and Wishing for It.

While that is a theory that glides easily into the liberal mind, the second cousin of this theory can only be anathema to said mind. Not in a thousand years would Clinton have stooped so low as to contort the national interest to serve a merely personal purpose in Kosovo.

On days when we are experiencing fleeting moments of undeniable lucidity we still have a hard time keeping our facts about the Balkans straight. The three most helpful ones to us around which the beginnings of an awareness of Balkan reality begins to form are:
What other facts do you need to know about the Balkans?

As Ms. Gorin observes, Clinton started the Kosovo war and responsibility for it (and all other transgressions) slid right off of him. But it was on George Bush's shoulders that responsibility for creating the mess landed.

His failures of perception will prevent him from making the right call about opposing Muslims everywhere, at all times, and despite any cost.

Until he's replaced, however, we can content ourselves with the painful knowledge that we backed the wrong horse in the Balkans by favoring the Muslims in any way.

It really is us or them. It's no more sophisticated than that.

It just isn't.

"Why Do They Love Us?" By Julia Gorin, The American Thinker, 6/13/07.

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