August 25, 2007

Unheralded U.S. Navy activity.

Mr. Bush's instincts are better than his policies. Consider this report:
On July 12, the second intercepted North Korean freighter was sunk in the Arabian Sea by torpedoes fired from a US submarine 100 miles southeast of the Iranian naval base-port of Chah Bahar. Delivery of its freight of enriched weapons-grade uranium and equipment and engines for manufacturing more fissile material including plutonium in its hold could have jump-forwarded Iran's nuclear bomb and warhead project, lopping off at least a year of work. For this Iran's rulers were ready to reportedly pay out a cool $500 million.
US Sinks North Korean Ship Bound for Iran. "How close were we to seeing an armed nuclear conflict?" By PJ Paulson, ACG Security Group, 7/23/07.

H/t to "Something . . . and a Half of Something."


A second N. Korean ship has also been sunk:

"America Kicking Ass at Last." By Alan Peters, Anti-Mullah, 8/25/07.


ba ba said...

Here's a vid of australia bombing a north korean drug dealing ship;

Col. B. Bunny said...

Thank you. That's interesting. The Australians seem to have the highest amount of testosterone these days, though the U.S. Navy's attack on the Korean ships puts the U.S. back in the running as a serious power. Not there yet, but coming back.

The French helped out in the earlier attack, I see, and I note that there was an even earlier incident involving Spanish marines support by U.S. aircraft in December 2002, according to "America Kicking Ass at Last."