September 4, 2007

Muslim embraces expulsion.

In his Danish newspaper column, Imam (?) Kassem Ahmad
advocated the expulsion of 3 million Jews from Israel. “They should return to their countries of origin, let the original inhabitants, the Palestinians, take over and rename the land formerly known as Israel”. [1]
This is actually a quite ticklish development, for it puts an apparent imam on record as supporting the principle of expulsion of troublesome populations from lands in which they have no right to reside.

Normally, we can count on the Galactic Silence of the Imams to obtain when any fruitcake nutball learned Islamic religious authority issues some facially despicable, outrageous, or idiotic fatwa. Complete deniability is one of the hallmarks of the Muslim practice of deception. Thus, the true-but-can-never-be-uttered-in-polite-society sediments of Muslims everywhere can be put out to the ummah and no central Muslim religious or political body has to lift a finger.

Fatwa to kill the Danish cartoonists? "Oh, my. That Mahmood is suuuuch a kidder. Never mind him. The true Islam is positively pure peace and, anyway, the sharia doesn't apply outside the borders of Muslim lands, see. Relax!" Meanwhile some infidel gets his throat slit in Rotterdam like a goat in a bathtub and it's just "the lone Muslim" acting out his own personal deal.

With Imam Ahmad, however, we've got the inconvenient publication of a dangerous two-edged principle, which we, for one (if the logic of this locution doesn't work against us too strongly here), will be more than happy to apply for purposes convenient to us.[2]

Thus, if our concept of muftifical deniability holds any water, look to see expressions of ulemical backpedaling to in this instance do something about a fatwa that does not advance the interests of jihad, the peaceful inner and outer struggle to annihilate Western society root and branch.

In short:
  • favorable fatwa that countenances violence and studied irrational behavior against Western critics and Western citizens acting in their own interests – no response necessary.
  • inconvenient fatwa – high-level, coordinated remonstrations and expressions of concern necessary. ("That's not true Islam, not the consensus of respectable, learned religious scholars.")
Let the experiment begin . . . .

On a secondary issue, note that we used the phrase "from lands in which they have no right to reside." Does that mean that Muslims who have been granted citizenship in Western lands must be considered to have a right to reside there?

According to the suicidal interpretation of citizenship favored by Western elites everywhere, the answer is, a grant of citizenship is the nose of the camel under the tent for any and all purposes whatsoever, even subversion and inundation of the host country by aliens in every sense of the word.

According to a healthy, non-neurotic interpretation of citizenship, however, no Muslim who chooses to remain an honest to Allah, card carrying Muslim -- who believes in eventual imposition of sharia on host countries, death for apostasy, polygamy, the infidel as on the level of excrement, pig, or dog, usw – can ever be a citizen.

If any Abdul, Ali, or Omar, true son of the sod sand, is one now, he obtained this precious status by deception and can be stripped of it outright. Economy class to Riyadh faster then you can ship out the Bin Laden family after 9/11!

[1] "On a Quiet Day in Denmark." By Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna, 9/4/07.
[2] In case you've not noticed, we're much in favor of the concept of expulsion of Muslims, whom we consider to be hopelessly and genetically at odds with the values of any Western society sheltering them.

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