February 28, 2008

Melanie Phillips on out of control children.

The single most important reason why our children are out of control is the widespread collapse of the parenting role at home and the ‘in loco parentis’ role once played by teachers, police officers and the courts.

Proper parenting involves giving children clear boundaries for their behaviour and showing them that breaching those boundaries has unpleasant consequences for them.

Contrary to what [Sir Al Aynsley-Green, who rejoices in the title of the Children’s Commissioner For England,] maintains, it is not stigma that hurts them but the absence of stigma. Unless they learn that to hurt other people causes them both shame and pain, they will not develop the moral sense which is the key to being a responsible person.
"A mosquito buzzes in Whitehall." Melaniephillips.com, 2/18/08.

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