February 14, 2008

Muslim failure in Britain.

Pali, an Indian in Britain, exposes the contemptible lie that Muslim condemnation of British society is. The problem of Muslims in Britain is the thinking of Muslims.

In my view, all of the terror and aggression coming from the Muslim world today is just like steam in a boiler.

All new ideas consistent
with Koran welcome absolutely.
Muslim worthless blame-shifting and complete inability to compete politically, scientifically, and technically are the result of their being in the thrall of ignorant imams and ayatollahs. In Muslim countries the drag effect of the mullahs is the same as though obscure two-year Bible schools existed in each hamlet and town in America and no political, social, or scientific idea could survive without its first being submitted for approval to local graduates of such schools. These notables would have unlimited freedom to call for your execution if your ideas are too daring and you persist in entertaining them. Think Salman Rushdie.

Imagine that kind of veto power and you have The Ultimate Societal Handbrake. Goodbye to independent thinking, innovation, individual liberty. Hello to kissing the ring of your inferiors.

Pali's words show that the British model is a workable one that is sufficient to earn the allegiance of any reasonable people, regardless of background. The only people for whom it is unacceptable are those whose own ideas are outlandishly unacceptable.

Like steam with no outlet, the pressure of the Muslim's frustration and anger builds up because Muslim energy and brainpower can find no expression in innovation and inquiry. The resulting explosion has been and will be a virulent rage and terrorism that is both demeaning and pathetic. The whole rational world knows the reason for Islam's nihilistic violence -- Muslim intellectual and societal failure. This the Muslim can not accept so the world will go on to suffer the scourge of Muslim rejectionism and terror.

"Muslim victim culture." By Mary Jackson, New English Review, 2/13/08.

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