March 14, 2008

Dispelled when exactly?

“We keep on thinking we’ve dispelled this,” the Illinois senator said of the race issue. “And it keeps on getting raised once again.”
Having listened to the "Rev." Wright for some 18 years, Mr. Obama has the gall to say that the race issue has been dispelled? When, in those 18 years did he hear from his spiritual mentor anything but pure, distilled racism?

Wright raised race and the perfidy of the white race in particular in "sermons" that can only be described as vile in intent and intellectually disgraceful. But Obama only now notices that it's being raised once again? (Which it wasn't, btw. The distorting effects of affirmative action politics was brought up, but not race.)

"Obama Could Put an End to Destructive Racial Politics if He Had the Courage." By Beth, Blue Star Chronicles, 3/13/08.

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