March 12, 2008

Let's suck our thumb.

Suck it, that is, until we're well past the point of being able to do something about the insufferable Iranian government that has just been begging for an ass whipping for going on 30 long years.
Iran now has some 3,000 centrifuges whirring away, producing fissionable material for a bomb. According to a news account this week, "The European Commission for Joint Research estimated after conducting a simulation last month of Iranian uranium enrichment centrifuges that (Iran) might well achieve nuclear capability by the end of 2008."
They desparately want war, they're responsible for thousands of U.S. combat deaths in Iraq, they're developing the worst munition imaginable, and they laugh at us when we talk about negotiations,

The only thing that will sober these bastards up is cold, naked steel.

But Obama the Tri-Continental Mystery Senator and Hillary "I want to run something" Clinton will, if elected by enough cretins, either one, will launch a thousand platitudes about giving peace a chance before they'll launch a military strike that solves the problem. Instantaneously.

Nothing less than a military strike will suffice. This is a defining moment in world history where we have an opportunity to keep the number of Islamic nuclear powers right at one for the time being. (Eventually, there will be two when the French military converts to Islam and turns over the Force de Frappe to the Muslim Brotherhood. We can deal with that at that sad but inevitable time.)

But we are fooling ourselves if we think this absolutely necessary course of action will even be considered by either or these two possible future presidents. Just maybe the vestiges of the military man in McAmnesty or some memory of his illustrious military ancestors will stir him to act like a commander in chief. God knows he's disgraced himself on the issues of border permeability and expulsion of illegal border crossers.

"Fallon's Gong." Investors Business Daily, 3/12/08.

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