October 28, 2008

Melanie Phillips on demographic suicide and reaping the whirlwind.

Immigration policies in the West are devised and enforced by people who have become unmoored. The idea of a global goulash of cultures and the erasure of national borders is enthusiastically pushed for short-term political advantage and the national indigenous populations get restive. An earthy expression captures the sensibilities of those populations who have awakened to their political controllers pissing up their backs and trying to make them believe it's rain.

Some Swedish twit proclaimed how wonderful it would be for the world to be without borders so that people can live anywhere they want to. Did she have the integrity to focus on the simple fact that minuscule numbers of Westerners yearn to move to Egypt or Zimbabwe? Of course not. The movement from the third world into the first world is a tidal wave that is inundating local populations.

Western nations more desirable to live in that third world nations? How could we have known, dear boy?

This is disproportionate movement is a matter of indifference to Western elites.

Nor is the culture of would be immigrants of any concern. Muslim immigration to the U.S. has increased since 9/11. For what purpose? a mere citizen might ask. No answer is given and the citizen is left to watch in dismay as footbaths are installed in airport restrooms per Muslim demand and subversive Muslim organizations try out ways to use our legal system against the resistance of patriots to Muslim antics and prepare for the day that Muslim strength is great enough to agitate for shariah to supplant our Western legal system.

As Bob Whitaker wittily observes, the watchword is "Asia for the Asians. Africa for the Africans. And Western nations for everyyyyybodddyyyy." Apparently the operating principle on the part of Western governments is that their supine populations will accept any insult, any encroachment, and any transformation meekly and with a happy heart.

Melanie Phillips correctly observes that in this Western governments are sorely mistaken and by their deliberately ignoring of the will and interests of their populations they are unleashing forces that are being denied an outlet in traditional political channels.
After all, no country has ever been expected to open its borders to everyone — because no country has previously been expected to commit demographic suicide.

What is inflammatory is not remarks such as those made by [U.K. Immigration Minister] Phil Woolas, but immigration at such a level that it destroys national cohesion and integrity.

It is such immigration — the product of an ideology which seeks to replace nations by trans-national government and values — which is fuelling the rise across Europe of genuinely racist parties, which are moving into the vacuum left by regular politicians who have abandoned the defence of national identity.

The people who are really driving the British and European public into the arms of true racists are all those who vilify as a bigot anyone who merely seeks to preserve national identity and social cohesion.

Having connived for so long at the covert transformation of Britain by mass immigration, both Labour and the Tories are now looking aghast at the results.
"The migration minister loses his balance." By Melanie Phillips, MelaniePhillips.com, 10/20/08 (emphasis added).

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