October 10, 2008

On the seventh day He will rest.

I hate it when our moral authority is squandered. And, little did I know that American was unique in its consumption of fossil fuels. Why doesn’t anyone tell me about the buffalo chip and corn husk biofuel breakthroughs of the scientists in Iran, Bangladesh, Egypt and Burma?! Now there are countries with moral authority. No carbon crime in those places.

Mr. R.F. Kennedy, Jr.:
America’s dependence on carbon to produce energy has eroded our economic power, destroyed our moral authority, diminished our international influence and prestige, endangered our national security, and marred our health and landscapes. It is subverting everything we value.
Moreover, a “sophisticated, well-crafted energy policy designed to de-carbonize America is,” he says, “the centerpiece of Sen. Barack Obama’s domestic economic package.”

The particulars of The Messiah's plan involve:
  • Anticipating -- This policy “anticipates eliminating imports by 2012 or earlier.”
That is to say, the sophisticated Obama plan “anticipates” ending all energy imports in 39 months. Or less, even.

It’s ambitious, yes, I realize this, but the Colonel certainly thinks 39 months is sufficient time -- more than enough time -- within which to revamp, redirect, reform, and transform the energy production and consumption techniques and investments of the last 100 years. Bottom line: If you really want to decarb the nation, well, then . . . you . . . can . . . do . . . it. Sophisticated people know this. Unlike the rubes and boobs who only think they know something about the U.S. economy and its actual energy requirements and limitations.
  • Enforcing and mandating – The Obama plan apparently calls for a “market-based carbon cap-and-trade system designed to put downward pressure on carbon emissions.”
Just mandating less consumption of “bad” fuels is excellent. Another example of how sophisticated people can get things done just by having the requisite will. "Just say 'Stop.'"

And . . . this will reduce truck, rail, air, and boat traffic -- hence oil imports – while replacement fuels are thought about, planned, devised, tested, and manufactured, and the entire transportation system retooled to use them. Solar, steam and geothermal trucks will appear in the next 39 months. Or less.
  • Investing billions – This will “revamp the nation’s antiquated high-voltage power transmission system.”
Degree of enhanced transmission efficiency to be announced later.
  • Pressing – More government pressure for “cost-saving building and appliance standards.”
Projected changes in demand: 50%. Better toaster and refrigerator design and we’re home free. Time for the energy industry to take the wraps off the secret Japanese furnace burner technology it locked away in 1945 that will allow gas to burn hotter and longer.
  • Installing stuff on or around the home – Basically, this involves home solar panels and wind turbines to fuel “plug-in hybrids [autos]” with excess capacity dumped back into the power grid.
Net savings calculations TBA ASAP.
  • Terror proofing – Making the [electric power] grid safe from terrorists.
Why can’t the Republicans think of stuff like this?

Like all of Obama's Plans, the specifics of his energy "plan" are hard to pin down and seemingly sober people talk about 39-month do overs in speeches long on hortatory and precatory language but short on tally sheets for energy produced and cost of production. To desire the impossible or improbable is sufficient.

"RFK, Jr: Go Green For Gold - Like Iceland." By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., quoted in Sweetness & Light, 10/10/08.

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