April 24, 2009

Excellent short comparison of socialism and capitalism.

I have noticed in life that common sense is not common and yet common sense and common law comes from the people, not from the government. Collectively we should know that government planning, control and intervention harm more than help. Capitalism rewards those who work hard. Socialism rewards those who don't. Free market capitalism makes it easier for more to benefit than does government intervention. Capitalism encourages us to do our best. Socialism rewards mediocrity. Do we really want to be a nation of mediocrity? The Left encourages diversity yet believes in policies that foster sameness and mediocrity. Are we as a nation too lazy or apathetic to listen and seriously consider what the end result of progressivism may be? Do we want to be a nation of mushrooms? I hope not!
Rick’s comment on "Fundamentally Different. That's what American capitalism will be once Obama's done with it." By John B. Judis, The New Republic, 4/23/09.

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