June 5, 2009

Democracy’s steady derangement.

J.R. Nyquist points out that the ballot box, a “rule-based game,” became a replacement for armed conflict as a way of effecting political change.

However, “once the rule-based game effectively nullifies itself through its own progressive and steady derangement, there necessarily occurs a reversion to the power-and-violence game.”

American’s think that what we started off with (and have steadily debased since 1791) will always be. Nyquist reminds us that there will not necessarily be a corrective that pulls us back from our current derangement to republican sanity. The end result may be a loss of system integrity so that the American “system” as we know it now will be forever changed.

“The reversion to the armed man as supreme arbiter,” says Nyquist, “partakes of a more realistic sense of history.”

The gross debasement of the franchise, fiscal insanity, the vision of “collective security” safeguarded by the United Nations, the vision of a borderless nation with an infinitely malleable and absorbent native culture, and the vision of a “new beginning” between Islam and the West (as though Islam has not been engaged in a 1200-year death struggle with infidels) do not.

"The Post-American Apocalypse." By J.R. Nyquist, Financial Sense Online, 5/15/09.

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