June 26, 2009

The Koran -- mere historical document, several versions.

The Baron at Gates of Vienna has posted an interesting piece on the origin of the Koran.

Two interesting things emerge:
  1. the clear evidence of there having been different versions of the Koran and
  2. one scholar’s conclusion that “parts of Islam’s holy book are derived from pre-existing Christian Aramaic texts.”
If there are differing version of the Koran, then so much for the belief of devout Muslims that “the Koran [is] the perfect, immutable, and eternal word of Allah as dictated to the prophet Mohammed and memorized or written down by the companions of the Prophet. The book is complete, every word in it is true, and nothing in it has been altered since it was first transcribed 1400 years ago.”

Similarly, imagine the humiliation of Muslims to learn that the Koran is derived in part from Christian sources.

With the evidence quoted in my immediately preceding post of Allah’s being merely the pagan moon god and having no relation to the God of Abraham, all of this shows that Islam is a “brittle religion” in the words of Hugh Fitzgerald -- human in origin, inconsistent, deriving legitimacy from hated infidel texts, and requiring violence to prevent analysis of its holiest of scriptures.

"Which Koran?" By Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna, 6/26/09.

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