It would be the rare person indeed who has never heard the endlessly repeated thought that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again hoping to achieve a different result. So, my title for this post is unimaginative in the extreme. However, the concept is sound and well illustrated by the views vigorously put forth by that citizen in the assembly featuring Sen. Specter.
With three massive government social programs and one tiny (but no less flawed) Cash for Clunkers program in deep trouble one might think that our overlords would, just for a moment, say for 36 months, stop this health care “reform” fiasco in its tracks and, among other things,
- lay out what problem we are trying to solve,
- list all alternative solutions,
- list all probable costs,
- provide guarantees of cost ceilings and benefit immutability (such a department head removal, funding rescissions, and other such mechanisms of pure fantasy), and
- guarantee dissolution of all separate gold-plated Congressional health plans and participation of all elected politicians in all “reforms.”
Rep. John Campbell, a California Republican, writes that the “House version of the [health care “reform”] bill creates 53 new departments, agencies and commissions . . . .” Is there one, just one representative or senator who could explain the function of each individual department, agency or commission in this 1000+-page monstrosity of a bill? Let alone predict its cost or effect even one month after it might become law?
To axe is to answer.
Obama, the House Dems, and the Senate Dems were caught with their bare face hanging out over cash for clunkers, a nothing burger of a federal program. You’d think there’d be red faces all around in Dem quarters for producing the vile “reform” bill they have in mind.
But you’d be wrong. It’s business as usual in the business of the “governance” of America and this time, we can be thankful we’ll get an efficient, just, and benign health care system.
And Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security?
Just aberrations, friends. Think to the bright future!
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