January 10, 2010

Ferment in the Muslim world.

The article below is a very interesting one about intellectual and religious ferment in the Muslim world. The writer is accurate where he says that the West is unaware of it, at least that part that isn’t visible on Teheran streets and some of the web sites maintained by former Muslims.
The West is not fully aware of what is happening in the Muslim world today where taboo topics are being discussed by brave Muslim reformists and former Muslims. There are ground braking Arabic TV and internet shows aired inside homes in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Algeria, etc, discussing what ordinary Muslims were never allowed to heard before. . . . Muslims who call in [to Coptic Christian Father Botros’s show], are often in shocked by what they hear for the first time about their own religion, yet another proof that Muslim establishment intentionally spreads misinformation and ignorance of basic Muslim doctrines to Muslims. Many Muslims, even from Saudi Arabia, call in to renounce Islam.
It's all to the good but until it does become widely manifest in the West and in Muslim communities in the West, I'll not moderate my hostility to Islam and all its adherents. Now, there is no such widespread, visible ferment in the West.

If there are good and decent Muslims among us, it's up to them to prove they're somehow exceptional. Beginning with public renunciation of the Koran as inerrant Word of Allah. I’m tired of having the burden of proof be on Western societies to cherry pick which individual Muslims belong in the vacuum of space without a space suit.

For now, until the happy day of a Muslim Reformation, a declared belief in an inerrant Koran should be a deportable offense.

Were Muslims to be freed from the muftoons, mullahs, imams, maulanas, maulvis, ulemas, and sheiks, the world would witness a resulting outpouring of intellectual and creative energy in the Muslim world now hostage to the most backward and ignorant of men.

I never cease to reflect on the black hole that Muslim culture is. Where are the singers; dancers; painters; architects, surgeons, engineers, filmmakers, and historians? Where are the Muslim universities and think tanks? Where are the Muslim Nobel Prize winners? And where are the Muslim patent holders?

We know the answer. There is no creative energy in dar al Islam and its best people are suffocating under a blanket of death threats, violence, ignorance, superstition, lies, fear, and oppression.

I hope these brave Muslim dissenters succeed. The last man I read about in Egypt who argued that it is possible to apply interpretation to the Koran was thrown out of a second-story window by his students.

"Obama's New Year Gift to the Saudi King." By Nonie Darwish, FaithFreedom.org, 1/8/10.

H/t: Americans for Legal Immigration.

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