April 15, 2010

Criminal ideologies.

The genius of the jihadis in our midst is to cry “Allah! Allah!” when they secretly struggle for “Caliph.”
We didn't ban the Communist party, but we should have. Freedom of Religion is absolute, but it does exist on the assumption that the religion in question is not a criminal ideology dedicated to the destruction of the United States. And that is exactly what Islam, like Nazism or Communism is.

Freedom of Religion was meant to protect religious freedom, not protect religious terrorism.
Communists in the U.S. soon learned to say, "Well, of course. We're not talking about the violent overthrow of the United States. We're just interested in 'reform.'"
The solicitude of the Soviet Union for greater voter registration and equality of educational opportunity here apparently motivated it to expend large sums of money inside our borders. To downplay their altruism, those crazy guys used Armand "the Bag Man" Hammer to transfer those sums secretly to the Communist Party of the US.A. (Note that this is a fact one mentioned publicly at great personal peril when Mr. Hammer was still alive.) Too, that they were a bunch of murderous thugs hostile to all that America stands for was something that they thought Americans in their parochial view of things would not appreciate.

That aside, surely there was no criminal activity to be funded by that communist money.

Un huh. The idea that domestic communists weren't committed to the overthrow of the U.S. is ridiculous now and was then. To call yourself a communist at any time is to associate yourself with an ideology of dictatorship, subjugation, summary execution, and judicial murder -- the reality of every communist regime that ever was. No amount of naivete or willful blindness can excuse that association. To pretend that communism was something benign and "progressive" was an exercise in protective coloration.

Similarly, the jihadis and their supporters and enablers emphasize their benign precepts -- whenever a scanning electron microscope is able to detect the occasional one in the pages of the Koran -- all the while being abject
slaves to doctrines that are fundamentally hostile to and destructive of the classical liberal genius of the West. Think death for apostasy, shariah supplanting the Constitution, rule by ignorant priests, male supremacy, subjugation of women, implacable hostility to rational thought, war against and subjugation of infidels everywhere, destruction of Christian churches and the Christian religion itself, and execution of infidels unwilling to live as dhimmis in their own land, just to name a few things off the top of my head.

So, yes. Criminal ideologies.

Best obliterated, expelled, or quarantined.

"Friday Afternoon Roundup - The Shape of Things to Come." By Daniel Greenfield, Sultan Knish, 4/30/09.

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