April 13, 2010

The New Feudalism.

From the outstanding Daniel Greenfield:
The progressive idea of government was broken. Badly broken. And in the process [of embracing it] Americans had traded their birthright of freedom . . . .

* * * *

Capitalism smashed feudalism once, by shaking up the nobility and creating power based on economic success, rather than inherited titles or brutality. Now feudalism is back, except it's being called socialism, but the endgame is the same. A static society with a massive lower class tethered to specific highly regulated occupations, and a tiny upper class that has been put in charge of running their lives. . . .

Lenin promised the peasants . . . land. Under Communism, not only did the peasants lose what little land they had, they also lost their livestock and even the right to leave the farm without permission.
Rule by piss ants. But rule it is

"A Manageable People." By Daniel Greenfield, Sultan Knish, 4/12/10.

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