April 1, 2010

None So Blind Dept.

I am fascinated by delusions, assumptions, and paradigms and have written on the Chinese concept of the Mandate of Heaven and the sudden, transformative effect of a spontaneous nationwide realization -- not necessarily rational in its development -- that a political polity has slid off the rails. One too many villages flooded by the Yangzi River. Peasant dreams of exploding hawks and of armies of foreigners streaming silently over the Great Wall. An emperor who bows to barbarian kings.

Signals from Heaven flashing that all is not well. Our Tea Party brethren have sensed this.

In stable, good times, our mental picture of reality, rational or not, is benign. Reality is complex and people can live well with good or bad understandings of why they are.

When times turn bad, however, inertia, habit, and faulty perception and analysis can work to conceal an uglier reality. Concluding that “If today is like yesterday, tomorrow will be like today” becomes a dangerous mental limitation even though it was safe to think this in better times.

Too, there can be positive disincentives to see clearly. If one acknowledges an unpleasant new reality, it may not be possible to refrain from getting into expensive, uncomfortable, and dangerous contests to make things right again. Something more may be required of the men of the society than drinking skim milk lattes and dating confused women.

In short, if the mind fails -- or is unwilling -- to note the occurrence of dangerous changes, then you have the makings of surprise, upheaval, and tragedy. That is to say, you have today.

A major shift has taken place in the last 100 years (as Glenn Beck, Michael Barone, and others have shown) but many haven’t noticed or won’t notice. European voters are the same. They ignore the evidence of cultural inundation and the imminent destruction of their way of life by their inferiors and yet persecute or ignore the political leaders who warn them and offer them solutions in their hour of greatest danger and maximum opportunity.

J.R. Nyquist has written a great piece where he captures just how dangerous this mental failure to conform thought to reality can be:
There is an intriguing Chapter in Wilhelm Roepke's 1948 book, The Moral Foundations of Civil Society, in which he writes about those nineteenth century thinkers who anticipated the crisis of the twentieth century. According to Roepke, "It appears that in all great crises of world history most people utterly deceive themselves as to where they stand, just as if Providence had drawn a veil over the impending disaster." Though a society inwardly crumbles, an "optimistic self deception" prevails -- attended by "that astounding superficiality of diagnosis with which so many of us have judged the state of the world" in the past. How slowly we grasp the meaning of facts. How tenaciously we struggle against a "disagreeable awakening." How unready we are to admit that we have built our society upon an avalanche.
Obama and the Congressional Democrats exemplify this fatal blindness. Faced with an Iran beavering away at becoming a nuclear power, a debilitated industrial sector, huge unemployment, massive debt held by foreigners, massive trade deficits, an unstable European economy, vulnerability to oil supply disruption on the part of primitives, massive influx of illegal aliens and their attendant burden on welfare and criminal justice resources, an open-ended war over control of real estate that isn’t worth having, expensive military support of ungrateful, equally-capable Europeans, domestic Muslim subversion, fatal confusion over the nature of Islam, unacceptably high rates of black crime, and widespread black rejection of America as a worthwhile object of allegiance, they put every joule, kilowatt, and erg of their political energies into the pointless evisceration of the finest health care system in the world.

Job numero dos? Amnesty for illegal aliens to further utterly debase the concept of American citizenship.

That friends is what you call “building society on an avalanche.”

Courtesy of your local and national Democrat Party.

"Seeing Into the Future." By J. R. Nyquist, 3/19/10 (emphasis added).

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