August 30, 2010

The reason for leftist panic.

I would suggest that one of the main reasons so many liberals are in a flop-sweating, bowel-stewing panic over Fox News and the Tea Parties is that they understand such developments are a real threat to epistemic hegemony of liberalism that has been unraveling for the last decade and half. . . .

. . . Since 1950, “vital center” liberals, and of course leftists, have looked for every conceivable excuse to delegitimize conservative dissent and criticism. For decades, liberal elites abused their monopoly on the media and their near complete control of the commanding heights of the culture to attack not just conservative ideas, but conservative motives . . . . That effort is still under way in the arts, in academia and in the few remaining bastions of the “legacy media.”

. . . [L]iberals have grown more shrill and desperate in their efforts to delegitimize conservative ideas, new and old.
Liberal reaction to conservative argument heads south after the first two or three sentences. Conservatives are racists, sexists, nativists, bigots, borderline paranoids, full-fledged paranoids, homophobes, or xenophobes. You see it everywhere.

Mr. Goldberg is right. Liberals go straight to vitriol and personal attack because they’re desperate at the loss of the monopoly and unaccustomed to doing the work to refute the substance of conservative arguments. The Supreme Court’s reversal of 140+ years of learning on the Commerce Clause was an atrocious betrayal and a lie from the word “The” on down. Yet, since the New Deal, this betrayal has been lauded as wisdom incarnate and served up as the mother’s milk of the unitary state.

Now conservatives have the outlets to proclaim leftist lies for what they are and leftists can do nothing to stop the threat to the foundation of their power. They try to foist hate speech laws, PC codes, Fairness Doctrine II, and net neutrality on us. But their real agenda is plain. They are attacking free speech and will do all in their power to demonize their hated enemies on the right.

Leftist hostility to liberty is clear.

"The Conservative Bubble and Liberalism’s Cargo Cult." By Jonah Goldberg, The American, 4/13/10.


WAKE UP said...

Little by little, agonisingly slowly, some of the things we have been talking about are creeping into the MSM and, by osmosis, the mainstream .
This, of course, has nothing to do with any resurgence of conscience or integrity in the MSM, and everything to do with the fact that the shit is starting to hit fans near them.

Col. B. Bunny said...

There are encouraging signs that more are waking up. I haven't seen much that's encouraging in the MSM but I'm glad you have. I'll know we're doing well when NPR mentions "Islam" without also mentioning "Golden Age."

Maybe we have Obama to thank. He was just too suffused with the stink of Islam and an odd otherness, someone who kissed foreign ass but couldn't bring himself to put his hand over his heart when the national anthem played. Not to mention his 20 years of lapping up Wrights Wrants with a bleeping spoon.

A great friend of mine defined the French word "flaneur" as the kind of man who could be safely left behind at the house to amuse the women while the rest of the men went off hunting stags or foxes AND whom they didn't have to worry would make any moves on the women.

Obama's like that. Not effeminate exactly but yet not someone you could ever imagine lying on his back to replace a bad starter on a '54 Chevy in the driveway.

"Completely out of the mainstream" fairly screams at you every time he does something.

Bottom line, he's like a fingernail on the blackboard and I think it's woken people up that something's not kosher in River City. If nothing else, he energized a lot of people on the matter of their financial security and it's caused them to be willing to look at other aspects of what's been going on.

Illegal immigration has been another thing that's unsettled people, if it hasn't enraged them. We heard the lie of no more amnesty even from Reagan and then we had the recent push for amnesty. There was a time when American government had some residual credibility. That's no longer the case beginning with Bush '41's breach of the "no new taxes" pledge, the Clintons' embrace of falsehood as something as essential to life as oxygen, and finally Bush '43's seemingly anti-Republican fiscal profligacy.