December 17, 2010

Leninism, war, and the mooncalf West.

In reality, [when you have an implacable enemy] the only solution is the military solution. But those who dream of peace see military conflict as the problem. [JRN]
Americans, all Westerners, need to wake up to the fact that Leninism never went away. It is alive today in Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, India, South Africa and most of the rest of the continent, much of Europe (East and West), Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia, Brazil and most of Latin America, the US Congress and Senate and even the White House.[1]
For an explanation of Western cowardice and willful blindness see Bill Whittle's superb video presentation that I highlighted last August.

We had best get in touch with our inner savage. Not because I or any of you long to roll around in spilled guts and drink from the skulls of our enemies. (Some do.) Most days I prefer the delicious wit on "Royal Pains" and the profundities of "Girls Gone Wild" to hunting down barbaric foes and turning them into a pink mist on the tundra or a cactus.

However, it looks like it's that time again because we've failed to keep in mind man's murderous nature. Even if you don't personally feel all that homicidal, bunches of guys pretty much live in a state of homicidal fixation and they move counters in the Great Game regardless of how nice we try to be. Our own regular, civilized lives are not the historical norm. E.g., Kenya (extremely graphic); Kosovo (ghoulish); or elsewhere.

To be fair, our secure existence does obscure the frightfulness some. Still, really, we're complacent and complacency doesn't entitle anyone to a mulligan when the hordes darken the sky on the horizon. (Overheated language alert.)

Our blindness is childish, too. Today, thanks to Hollywood, no one but no one doesn't understand that the Nazis were the purest distillation of evil since the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. And who doesn't know what hideous demons those guys unleashed on an unsuspecting people? But when it comes to non-Nazi evilility elsewhere in the world, well, energetic inquiries by our best and our brightest just seem to come back stamped "Return to sender." It's niceness all the way then!

A mentally sound adult,[2] however, need not be crippled by delusional bullshit and he will have no difficulty whatsoever in grasping life's simplest lessons taught on kindergarten playgrounds from Bangor to Loma Linda or over at HowAboutJustMaybeWaketheF***

[1] Jeff Nyquist - "The Implacable Enemy." By Trevor Loudon, New Zeal, 12/13/2010, quoting "The Implacable Enemy" by J.R. Nyquist, Financial Sense Online (emphasis added).
[2] Note highly expressive language. Note superb geopolitical insight. Note balls. Note patriotism. This man is one of us. He is a true son of our soil and a brother.

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