January 4, 2011

Environmentalists' agenda.

Why we have a national "energy" policy crafted to ensure that we run out of energy:
According to Scientific American, environmental groups were essentially united in the belief that “if society relies on quick techno-fixes to ameliorate global warming . . . people will stop putting in the hard work necessary to cut carbon emissions.”

Think about what that statement means. “Hard work” means government coercion to destroy the industrial production that feeds (sometimes barely) a rapidly growing human population. “Quick engineering fix” means a fast, cheap, technological solution that allows us to have our cake (the wealthy, healthy life that industry makes possible) and eat it too (literally, algae eating CO2). Notice that their objection is not that iron seeding [of the oceans to stimulate algae] won’t work, but that it eliminates the incentive to destroy industrial civilization.

As should be clear by now, environmentalism is not actually opposed to global warming – ending the “threat” posed by global warming is the last thing on their agenda. Their real goal is to use the global warming scare to bully the developed world into reverting into the pre-industrial, pre-civilized age. They oppose viable alternative energy sources for the same reason that they oppose viable fixes to the crises they invent – they oppose nuclear energy, hydro power, and they are organizing to oppose wind power just as it has become viable. If solar panels ever become viable, they will certainly invent reasons to oppose them too.
"The vicious lie behind the global warming scare." By David Veksler, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 6/25/10.

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