January 28, 2011

Mini constitutional moment -- 17th Amendment.

Before the 17th Amendment [to the U.S. Constitution], the purpose of government was to protect the inherent rights of its citizens and to defend them from all enemies foreign and domestic. After the 17th Amendment, the purpose of government evolved into the enforcement of political theories the ruling Party believed to be most suitable for the people.[1]
Thus, we went from a federal government whose concern was to ensure that the citizen gets to decide how to live his life, to a federal government that
  1. couldn't care less what that citizen thinks and

  2. is a font of intrusive, destructive, dumbass laws that total strangers -- bought and paid for by lobbyists, unions, foreigners, and zealots -- hourly devise to rob citizens of their property, liberty, and heritage.
This latter item, friends, is what passes today for constitutional government watching over a federal republic of proud, free, and independent citizens.

I call it rule by pygmies people of a decidedly unimposing moral stature

Some 20 years back, when our fiscal problems were recognized even then, these low-stature leaders at the federal level declared it their goal to cut the rate of increase in federal spending. Not cut spending in absolute terms! No. Cut the rate of increase.

Exactly what I wanted. Extremist RINOs to the rescue. Precedent setters for the days ahead of Madman Bush and his allies in Congress, the crazed RINO fiscal hawks.

It's no better now. Actually, the problems are a lot worse and our senators are still unreachable. Oh, if your an illegal immigrant goat herder from the Sudan denied an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy, your call will go right through. I grant you that.

Buuuut . . . if you're a citizen, well, you're pretty much out of luck.

It's time to restore the whip hand over senators to our state legislature. If we did, we'd have a lot easier time of educating senators on how we want them to vote.

[1] "How to stop a runaway federal government!" By Henry Lamb, Enter Stage Right, 1/24/11.

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