January 27, 2011

SOTU address: two teeny, tiny omissions.

Wall Street Journal:
. . . [N]owhere in that speech was there a fully formed policy idea reflecting authentic belief in the private economy.[1]
Investor's Business Daily:
Yet during his speech Tuesday night, the president was weirdly silent about the greatest fiscal challenge in our nation's history. Sure, he proposed an impressive-sounding budget "freeze." Impressive, that is, until you realize it will cut only $26 billion — or one-tenth of one percent — from $19.3 trillion in total spending over five years.[2]
What is missing is often the most important clue about what's really going down.

  1. the private sector is an irrelevancy in the mind of Obama, endorsed not for nothing in 1996 by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the Chicago branch of the Marxist New Party.[3]

  2. Obama is indifferent to our fiscal catastrophe.
And the best thinkers and top strategists of the Democrat Party pored over his speech and tweaked every comma to get it just right.

Two more years of an engineer who wants to crash the train.

Evidently, per plan of the Progressive Democrat Party (PDP).

The mind boggles but I'm not the first to see Obama as our first anti-American president. No one who has the least concern for the country would be this reckless or this destructive.

[1] "A Presidency to Nowhere." By Daniel Henninger, Wall Street Journal, 1/27/11.
[2] "Obama Misses Main Point Entirely." Editorial, Investor's Business Daily, 1/27/11.
[3] "Obama file 22 Barack Obama, Danny K Davis and the Marxist New Party." By Trevor Loudon, New Zeal, 8/19/08.

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