January 25, 2011

Winston Churchill on intellectuals.

The worst difficulties from which we suffer do not come from without. They come from within. . . . They come from a peculiar type of brainy people always found in our country who, if they add something to the culture, take much from its strength. Our difficulties come from the mood of unwarrantable self-abasement into which we have been cast by a powerful section of our own intellectuals. They come from the acceptance of defeatist doctrines by a large portion of our politicians. But what have they to offer but a vague internationalism, a squalid materialism, and the promise of impossible utopias?
~ Winston Churchill, St. George's Day address, 1933

"Warnings From the Lion." By David Hamilton, American Renaissance, January 2007.

H/t: Sarah Maid of Albion.

1 comment:

LeeEBranch said...

Most appropriate for these times. Our " baskets of deplorables" are denigrated by the very type of foolish intellectuals who pursue utopia by first strangling the citizenry with bureaus and regulatory inhibitions. This present clique has less to say for their shameless behavior, for in 1933, their predecessors of the left could not of known of the millions of lives lost to the wills of Stalin, Mao, et al. The loss of academia to these idiots with their fables of progress as achieved by increased governmental intrusion into management of private lives is the greatest living lie. A lie, the acceptance of which only proves as Lord Chesterfield essayed, "with what poor judgement the affairs of the world are managed."

How can any half reasonable individual see any merit in handing their lives over to the advocates of Marxian progressivism?