February 16, 2011

Magical thinking.

The ever insightful Dorothy Rabinowtiz on Ft. Hood killer, MAJ Hasan -- "star officer."
In magical thinking, safety and good come to those who obey taboos, and in the multiculturalist world, there is no taboo more powerful than the one that forbids acknowledgment of realities not in keeping with the progressive vision. In the world of the politically correct—which can apparently include places where psychiatrists are taught—magical thinking reigns.
She refers to the failure of Hasan's superiors -- and that of the Army command structure that demanded this dereliction -- to act on clear evidence of pathology in Hasan and weed him out of the military forthwith.

Consider, too, the exquisite irony of Hasan's performance rating officers being psychiatrists with, supposedly, the professional skills to detect all manner of mental aberration and dissembling. The cowardice, blindness, or dissembling was their own.

The military promotes an internal culture that betrayed our troops by failing to protect them from clear, observable threats. The federal government itself fails in its elemental duty to protect the nation and, in fact, actively undermines its security.

And still the American electorate could not rouse itself to vote in a Republican majority in the U.S. Senate. And still the southern border is unsecured. And still there is immigration from Muslim and other third-world countries.

This is a sick, sick society. If a Christian cross can be found in the remote desert it summons the antibodies of this diseased society vigilant and alert to discover the faintest traces of our malignant Christian heritage. As to the malignancy of the Muslim heritage or ghastly third world culture, antibodies there are none.

"Major Hasan, 'Star Officer'." By Dorothy Rabinowitz, Wall Street Journal, 2/16/11.

1 comment:

Robert Hagedorn said...

Human nature is the malignancy which can manifest itself in religion. Do a search: The First Scandal.